I don't care what you do - baseball or politics - George W. Bush is always going to be compared to his father. I just want it to be an easy answer in 50 years - Who was the better player, me, or my kids? I want it to be my kids.
— Andy Van Slyke
I can only guess that, for guys in their 30s and 40s who watched me play, they understood that the score never mattered and my paycheck never mattered (in relation) to how I played. I played with Little League enthusiasm and professional flair. That's what fans are really looking for.
It seems like Satan has thrown the DH into our game.
I always respected Barry Bonds, and I wanted to let him know that I did in a certain way.
They wanted me to play third like Brooks so I did play like Brooks - Mel Brooks.
Every season has its peaks and valleys. What you have to try to do is eliminate the Grand Canyon.
It's a lot like life. I think 99 percent of what goes on in life, we have very little control over.
Last year we had so many people coming in and out they didn't bother to sew their names on the backs of the uniforms. They just put them there with Velcro.