Cute accessories always help bring out your outfit and pull it all together.
— Ciara
Dancing - however you do it, even if it's in your living room - is a great workout.
I believe in allowing your child to be who they want to be - as long as they want to be something great.
As we get older, it's important for us to help hand back some of what we've gained as we've grown older. It should be one of your responsibilities - it's almost like being a mentor.
A lot of people don't realize that when you're trying to lose weight, or just trying to stay fit, 85 percent of it is what you eat, and 15 percent of it is how you work out.
Education is everything - education is your power, education is your way in life for whatever you want to do.
I have so much respect for athletes like LeBron James. I get motivation from them because I know how many hours they put into it. It takes a lot of hard work and drive.
I love shopping! I'm impatient though. I'll go to the mall and in 30 minutes be ready to go.