When I don't have any ideas, I pick up fabric and start working with it and something happens.
— Geoffrey Beene
I tell women not to believe everything they read about fashion.
Fashion is in a terrible state. An overdose of too much flesh.
Clothes should look as if a woman was born into them. It is a form of possession, this belonging to one another.
The influence of Paris, for instance, is now minimal. Yet a lot is written about Paris fashion.
I come in. I'm going to sketch, I'm going to drape, I don't know what I'm going to do.
Designis a revelation to me. It's like taking something that is not alive and giving it form, shape, substance, and life.
Clothes should be as interesting on the inside as on the outside. Even if you enjoy it totally alone, it's important.
The greatest concubines in history knew that everything revealed with nothing concealed is a bore.
Fashion is treated too much as news rather than what it is, what it does and how it performs.
Design is an unknown.
A woman should be less concerned about Paris and more concerned about whether the dress she's about to buy relates to the way she lives.