We should not be a party that is opposed to science.
— Matt Gaetz
The question for America is pretty simple: either we want a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington telling us what we can't do, or we empower American innovators to unlock things that we can do.
Unilaterally disarming the American economy through crushing regulations will empower Washington but few others.
Holding Congressional hearings is the purview of the majority, and during the first years of the Obama administration, Democrats could not be bothered.
The USRTA recognizes that the United States is the largest importer of goods even as it maintains, on average, the lowest combination of tariffs and nontariff barriers of any of its major trading partners.
Agricultural products ranging from citrus and dairy to beef and chicken face stifling tariffs or nontariff barriers in many countries around the world.
Choosing to disrespect our flag is an over-generalized indictment of the greatest nation on Earth.
Mass migrations of climate refugees erode borders and nations, creating a global playground for terrorists and traffickers.
When Federal law conflicts with state laws and the will of the American people, it's time to change the laws, not circulate edicts.
The black market poses a greater risk to the integrity of sports than open, visible, and regulated betting.
Congress has broad powers to regulate and control commerce. Congress also cannot force a state to 'un-decriminalize' something; states' rights are routinely upheld by the Court.
In some egregious cases, cities built new stadiums even while their citizens were still paying off old stadiums that had since closed. This is corporate welfare run amok, and a gross misuse of American citizens' tax money - something the government must treat with respect.
I don't know why anyone would prefer a more complicated tax code instead of a simpler one.
President Trump is not an isolationist and builds closer friendships when he can.
At best, a 100-day measurement of a new presidency is a meaningless abstraction. At worst, it's an invite to cheap politicking at the expense of the common good.
I'm on the pro-science side of the Republican Party.
I do think that if you've got a compelling argument to make in this country, going on television, going online, being on social media, you've got a broader ability to be effective at communicating your message if you engage a wide span of platforms rather than just standing on the House floor in the middle of the night, speaking to an empty room.
The Green Real Deal rejects regulation as the driving force of reform and instead unlocks the unlimited potential of American innovation and ingenuity.
There's not an American that would want to be investigated by someone they passed over for their old job back within the last 24 hours.
Democrats want to peer into every second of President Trump's life, hoping to find a smoking gun.
Ask anybody on Main Street whether it makes any sense to allow foreign countries to charge higher tariffs than we charge them, and the answer will surely be a resounding 'heck no!'
It is bizarre to see the NFL attacking an America that has treated it so well over the years. Taxpayers pay over 70 percent of the cost of stadiums. Our citizens pay more and more for tickets, and valuations of professional sports franchises have skyrocketed. Player compensation keeps growing.
While we glorify football players for their accomplishments on the field, they are not heroes.
A melting Arctic creates a more permissive environment for Russia and China to seize territory.
We shouldn't tell prosecutors to 'pick and choose' what laws to uphold.
No one wants to be the next Pete Rose.
Why should 'big sports' get tax breaks that businesses and families across America don't get?
It's easy to have strong, visceral feelings about disrespecting America. It's harder to get passionate about tax law.
Tax reform has been a congressional priority for decades. It should be a bipartisan issue. I don't know why anyone in Congress would want their constituents to pay more.
For the good of the American people, we must place our own interests first.
Upon further reflection, I think that the things Alex Jones has said and done are so hurtful to so many people that a member of Congress should not grace that platform and legitimize it, and I would not go back.
I did one cable news hit during my first 10 months in Congress.
I spoke at, I think, four of the Trump rallies that were in Florida, and these were not highly coordinated events. I would often learn of the program of one of these events just a day or so before the event itself. That seems to evidence the point that these were not people off colluding with Russia.
History will judge harshly my Republican colleagues who deny the science of climate change. Similarly, those Democrats who would use climate change as a basis to regulate out of existence the American experience will face the harsh reality that their ideas will fail.
I don't trust CNN anchors.
If Democrats insist on looking for skeletons in the closet, they should take a long look at themselves. They've hidden more than their fair share.
While the Washington swamp, which loves shipping American jobs offshore to make a buck or Euro, is already rising up against the proposed legislation, the USRTA is just plain common sense.
Kneeling for the anthem does nothing to advance solutions to racial injustice, police brutality, or any other social plight. It is a slap in the face to patriotism itself. It is a statement that America as a country is no longer worth standing for.
The reality of climate change is a stupid thing to argue about.
I wish climate change wasn't real.
We are a nation of laws, not department-wide memos.
Legalizing betting would create over a hundred thousand new jobs, over $6 billion in wages, and inject $25 billion into our economy.
If players want to protest, let them do it on their own time and on their own dime.
I don't know why anyone would want businesses and families and individuals nationwide to suffer. But by voting against tax reform, Democrats showed that was exactly what they stand for: less money for families and more money into Washington, D.C.
Tax Day is right up there with 'Root Canal Day' in terms of days that no one wants to celebrate.
President Trump says his highest priority is America and the American people. The fact that this idea has been met with shock is itself shocking; if America's success is not the president's goal, what is? Is it looking good in photo-ops, while debt grows, jobs dwindle, bureaucracy reigns supreme, and the American people suffer?
The most valuable real estate in the world lies between the president's ears.
In a world where the body politic has the attention span at times of a goldfish, yep, you've got to have the ability to reinvent yourself in this game many times.