If you discourage saving and investment, that means you're walking in the opposite direction of job creation. You're discouraging good job creation and job growth.
— Scott Garrett
Dealing with immigration should originate in Congress. The president should not act unilaterally.
I'm literally running up and down stairs all day long. If a constituent comes in to see me, I go downstairs. If a law client comes in, I run up to see him.
If you raise taxes on something, you discourage that activity.
I support anyone who supports what's in the Republican platform, which includes support for traditional marriage.
My view is that we should not be taxing at the Federal level for the things that New Jersey can do for itself.
Every challenger has come forward and said he's going to challenge me and win because I'm out of touch with the constituents. We run a race, the election comes, and the majority of voters disagree with them.
I said I support anyone's right to run for public office and will support those people who support positions that's in the Republican platform.