At the end of the day, if you're not spanking your child and instilling in them the ideas of selflessness, servitude, and wisdom, you're probably looking at a future P. Diddy in the making (maybe even a Keith Olbermann - take your pick).
— Steven Crowder
A four-year-old should have no self-esteem, and for good reason. What could he have possibly accomplished in his life to justify esteeming oneself so highly?
In an increasingly complex world, with courseloads becoming heavier and heavier, shouldn't we be opting for more accountability when it comes to our professors, not less?
For years, young adults have adopted extremely liberal world views in their attempts to be different, ultimately failing to see the irony that they've all become the same.
Essentially, Robin Hood put a smackdown on the medieval equivalent of the IRS.
Here's my challenge to the real men out there; it's very simple. If you have a good marriage, talk about it. If you love your wife, say it. If some moron tells you that you're merely a 'newlywed' or that you're still just 'too young to understand,' correct them.
When men get together, they moan about their wives. The commentary provided on marriage between groups of men is typically one from a viewpoint that assumes marriage to be life's greatest, most unfun mistake. Not only is it often as disingenuous as Joe Biden's hairline, but it's incredibly harmful.
Every manly icon the West has ever admired has embodied the very spirit of American independence.
Religious extremism. We hear about it all the time. We see it all the time. Heck, most of us are just sick of talking about it all the time.
It would almost seem that - dare I say this - private transportation is more efficient than mass public-transit!
I can tell you beyond any doubt, that my lady is able to control herself and stick to her values regardless of circumstance. Just as surely, she can say the same about me (Ben & Jerry's benders notwithstanding).
As someone who comes from a family of lifers (along with my wife), I just want to say, flat out... Marriage is a really good deal.
Looking back, when I was fourteen, I aspired to... be the best believer, husband, father, businessman, and man of integrity that I can be.
Your wedding can be the most memorable day and night of your life... or just another party.
At the end of the day, when I kick back with some barbecue and a CokeZero in front of a blockbuster film playing within the convenience of my fully air-conditioned house, I'll say a small prayer thanking God for the American culture.
'America has no culture!' is a phrase that we've all heard many times in our lives. As is often the case, a lie repeated often enough becomes an assumed truth (kind of like the tall tale of Janeane Garofalo being a comedian).
I guess as far as leftists are concerned, the United States can't qualify as a 'cultured society' simply because we've actually created a society that works.
Unless taught otherwise, children are the most selfish, oblivious little Philistines on the planet. They have no family, no job, no responsibilities, and nothing but time to think about their gluttonous, sticky selves. We should be teaching them to take some focus off of themselves and onto how they can best serve/treat others.
When it comes to efficiency, standardized tests almost sound heaven-sent.
Call me old-fashioned, but it's always been my firm belief that a teacher's job should be for each of his or her students to finish the year with a grade of 100%.
Whether it's spending more time and money at thrift shops for threads (anti-consumerist threads, mind you), or combing the record store for the most unknown/least coherent band they can find, there's one thing that hipsters constantly want you to know: that they are better than you.
Preaching Christian salvation is to preach moral absolutes. Hollywood no likey.
Men get together, and they complain about their wives because it's what they feel they're supposed to do. It's as phony as your frat-buddy's stupid tribal tattoos, and everybody knows it.
Liberals don't believe in the ultimate concept of self-reliance, which is why they look to the government for stability.
The topic of Sarah Palin has been open season to the media, entertainment industry, and club comics alike.
Real or not, when a person denies God, they often try and fill that higher power void with something else.
It's no secret that the environmental movement is ultimately designed to create new inroads into increased government control. All of the shots taken at emissions, the dependence on fossil fuels, and noise pollution are designed to paint those things as symptoms of a problem, with the government able to step in as the solution.
Listen, one doesn't need to be religious (nor a rocket scientist) to see the value of abstinence.
I know plenty of people my age that will never get married because they genuinely believe the false cultural meme that marriage has sadly become. There's only one problem. It's completely untrue.
Who'd have thought that living life like a dime store floozy throughout your formative years could negatively affect your decision-making ability or long-term, future relationships?
I know everybody says that their bride was the 'most beautiful in the world.' They're wrong. I win.
How can the country that created electricity, the light bulb, modern cinema as we know it, and the Oscar Meyer Weenie Whistle not be purely awesome?
There are a lot of misconceptions regarding the Bush tax cuts, all of them deliberately propagated by none other than President Obama and his pals. The biggest lie of them all is that these tax cuts will only affect the wealthiest two percent.
Is discipline (both mental and physical) in place of coddling truly child abuse? I don't know, but it sure as hell is effective.
Standardized tests don't care if you're white or black, short or tall, or even the rate at which you learned the course material. At the end of the day, all it cares about is whether you know what you're supposed to know. It can't be cheated, bent, or bargained with.
The message bombarding young adults from the leftist cultural elite is clear; you should think for yourself... by adopting my beliefs as your own.
Hipsters. We all know one. They're those fun, little, arrogant people who let the ideal of 'anti-consumerism,' combined with a hatred for all things normal, dictate their every action.
Whether you see Jesus as nothing more than a mythical figure or not, there's no doubt that living your life in a Christ-like manner is a lot harder than the hedonistic lifestyle reflected in Hollywood.
Unless those of us who love our wives (and thus, our lives) make a conscious change to the way we speak of them, unless we begin choosing to elevate and praise our spouses instead of denigrate, we will be letting an incredibly corrosive, self-perpetuating societal meme destroy the very institution that defines our lives.
My father (like most fathers) always taught me that a man is someone who stands by his principles, someone who lives with integrity and puts his family before himself. That last one is important, because as a young boy, it's your pops who provides you with security.
Needless to say, oftentimes a 'religion' is not needed to breed extremism. People breed it all by themselves, oftentimes with the subjective morality of modern secularism breeding the worst kind.
Not only have individual politicians and celebrities personally condemned your automobiles for being too messy, noisy, and harmful to the common good, but they've tried to affect the natural market through taxes on larger vehicles along with incentives and quotas for 'greener' cars.
Living in N.Y.C. has truly awakened me to the New York elite and their penchant for the city's self-described brilliant public transit system. I think it sucks... just like public transit always does.
Whether you're young old, male, female, marriage (when done correctly) will make your life - and this country - better off.
Sadly, marriage has become a punchline in today's society. From referring to the wife as 'the old ball and chain' to nearly every poorly written sitcom that we watch, the message we're sending to today's generation is clear... Marriage = no fun.
I'm guessing that ability to withstand peer pressure and adhere to one's values might translate to the kind of backbone necessary for a successful lifelong relationship.
When people do marriage right, they don't complain so much, and so their voices are silenced by the rabble of promiscuous charlatans peddling their pathetic world view as 'progressive.'
People come to this country because they view our culture as the best. It is a culture free of persecution, a culture free of oppressive government, and above all... a culture of really, really cool stuff.
My name is Steven Crowder, and I happen to find blatant gayness funny. I mean really funny.