Little boys are a ton of fun.
— Tori Spelling
I love sharing my stories and experiences with people and connecting to them on both a humorous and emotional level.
It would be pretty funny to see a Beverly Hills white girl with mad rap skills.
Sometimes, when I'm alone, I put on six inch heels and wear nothing else and dance around in front of the mirror and do my little stripper dance.
Whenever something happens that makes me laugh or if I remember something in the middle of the night that I want to share, I jot the experience down.
Love is pure and true; love knows no gender.
We are a very crafty family.
I look at Liv Tyler and think 'It's not fair', because I can't find a flaw on her. And on top of that she seems nice, so it's really not fair.
With two kids it's hard to find down time to write so I often write during their nap time.
I am now officially ordained. Yep, that's right - Reverend Tori Spelling!
I love drag queens and they love me.
I do have odd habits. I check under my bed every night for the bogeyman. That's just a little thing, though.