Dropping the news to my parents that I was skipping my 'dream education' at Chalmers to sit at home recording videos while playing video games was not easy.
— PewDiePie
If you borrowed money and went to a college where the education didn't create any value, that is potentially a really big mistake.
— Peter Thiel
Without in any way minimising the economic and psychological blow that people experience when they lose their jobs, the unemployed in affluent countries still have a safety net, in the form of social security payments, and usually free healthcare and free education for their children. They also have sanitation and safe drinking water.
— Peter Singer
The establishment in Britain is certainly against the arts and against education. If something doesn't make a profit, it's invalid, and art doesn't make a profit in that sense.
— Peter Maxwell Davies
I've benefited enormously from an arts education and a music education in New York. When they cut the programs for funding, I was devastated.
— Peter Marino
One of the great things about education is that it should stop you making mistakes - and I have made a lot of mistakes.
— Peter Hook
Comprehensive schools, as too few understand, have never been designed to improve education.
— Peter Hitchens
Thanks to secondary education and the Internet, we're all knowledgeable now - if knowledge means the accumulation of facts. Curators are those who know how to maneuver around that knowledge.
— Peter Greenaway
When a subject becomes totally obsolete we make it a required course.
— Peter Drucker
All over the world, we're seeing access to food, clean water, education and healthcare improve; as a result, global innovation is rising as well.
— Peter Diamandis
I'm from Brooklyn. I grew up very poor- seven people, four rooms. My dad had no education.
— Peter Criss
There's no particular relationship between spending and educational results. Most education spending is actually on salaries, and that's allocated according to political muscle.
— Peter Brimelow
The diagnosis that poverty, lack of education, or lack of opportunities have much to do with terrorism requires a fundamentally optimistic view of human nature. This diagnosis leads to the prognosis that all we need to do to solve the terrorism problem is to create societies that are less poor, better educated and have more opportunities.
— Peter Bergen
I came along and was a teenager in the Depression, and nobody had jobs. So I went out hitchhiking, when I met a man named Woody Guthrie. He was the single biggest part of my education.
— Pete Seeger
All you've got to do is go back and look in the early 1900s and see what we had in Texas without public education and realize what it has done for the state.
— Pete Laney
I think I got my education as a young boy from things I saw on TV.
— Percelle Ascott
Education is about women and girls. It is important for girls to go to school because they will become their children's first teachers someday.
— Peng Liyuan
People go to school and get educated, but most people who go to school and become a graduate in eduation still don't know what the word 'education' means... 'Educo' means to bring out.
— Peter Tosh
Education is a bubble in a classic sense. To call something a bubble, it must be overpriced, and there must be an intense belief in it.
I suggest that an education and reading and facts aren't bad things on which to ponder a few notions.
— Peter O'Toole
At the moment, in Britain we're facing such enormous cutbacks in education programs and music programs and art programs that you feel you are knocking your head against a brick wall.
For many young people on-the-job training and hands-on experience is the real route to employability, not a university education.
— Peter Jones
Our education system teaches the young what to think, not how to think. And if you ever wonder why so many things don't work properly any more, or why you can't get any sense out of so many organisations, this is one of the main reasons.
The giant fraud that is Britain's education system strides ever onwards, messing up many more lives than it improves.
The Sistine Chapel is an extraordinary work of education - it lays out all the early books of the Bible.
I think we're heading towards a world of what I call 'technological socialism.' Where technology - not the government or the state - will begin to take care of us. Technology will provide our healthcare for free. The best education in the world - for free.
As education becomes dematerialized, demonetized and democratized, every man, woman and child on the planet will be able to reap the benefits of knowledge. We're rapidly heading toward a world of education abundance.
My father left school at the age of fourteen, so this was a man with no deep experience of formal education.
— Peter Carey
If you're going to have a public subsidy to education, vouchers are clearly a better way of delivering it. They should result in some loosening up and privatization of the government school system.
The fact is, working stiffs with few opportunities and scant education are generally too busy getting by to engage in revolutionary projects to remake society. And history, in fact, shows us that terrorism is generally a bourgeois endeavor.
Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't.
Any customer of government - whether it's with education, taxes, housing, or health care - understands the frustrations when they have a bad experience. They're stuck and can't go anywhere else.
— Pete Hoekstra
As an athlete, the body can fail you. I know. The mind and your education will be there to keep carrying you.
— Penny Hardaway
If you don't give education to people, it is easy to manipulate them.
— Pele
When parents have invested enormous amounts of money in their kids' education, to find their kids coming back to live with them - well, that was not what they bargained for.
I had a good experience in college, but I don't think interdisciplinary education is something that's stressed very much at all. It's generally considered to be something of a bad idea.
There've been times where I wondered whether it was worth continuing in my own education.
— Peter Orszag
I'm very interested, for instance, in music in education - getting young people not only to listen to, but participate in the music that I write. I consider this one of the most vital aspects of my work.
Throughout my career, some of my best hires have been people who have bypassed the traditional route of university and learned their skills through apprenticeship schemes or alternative education courses.
All we have and are is based on the Christian faith, which has shaped law, government, morals, music, landscape, and education here for a thousand years.
Taxpayers will not stand for - nor should they - the funding of poster sites, leaflets or advertising. What people will support is funding for political education, for training, for party organization.
— Peter Hain
The government's objective, broadly expressed, is that all persons, whatever their level of ability, whether they live in town or country, have a right as citizens to a free education of the kind for which they are best fitted and to the fullest extent of their powers.
— Peter Fraser
In the 1940s, about 20% of people in the U.S. had graduated from high school, but less than 5% continued their education to get bachelors' degrees or higher.
In most developed countries, the average person receives about 16 years of education. Even in developing countries, the population gets five to eight years of education.
I think we spend too much on K-12 education a.k.a. teachers' salaries. It's the only industry where you never see any productivity increases.
The problem with K-12 education is socialism and the solution is capitalism.
Dad was a chemistry professor at Saint Olaf College in Minnesota, then Oxford College in Minnesota, and a very active member of the American Chemical Society education committee, where he sat on the committee with Linus Pauling, who had authored a very phenomenally important textbook of chemistry.
— Peter Agre
Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't.
Hard work, years of sacrifice, and dedication are necessary to succeed in the real world. Snowden's most notable accomplishment was lying about his military service, his experience, and education to procure a job with the NSA in the first place.
In Iran, education is not a given at all. For decades, in fact, the Iranian government has been systematically depriving members of the Baha'i faith their right to higher education, attempting to bar their advancement and marginalize them in Iranian society.
— Penn Badgley