How we think shows through in how we act. Attitudes are mirrors of the mind. They reflect thinking.
— David Joseph Schwartz
The more I have studied Lincoln, the more I have followed his thought processes, the more I am convinced that he understood leadership better than any other American president.
— David Herbert Donald
I've said I'll stand for a full second term, but I think after that it will be time for new leadership. Terms are like Shredded Wheat - two are wonderful but three might just be too many.
— David Cameron
Half a century ago, the amazing courage of Rosa Parks, the visionary leadership of Martin Luther King, and the inspirational actions of the civil rights movement led politicians to write equality into the law and make real the promise of America for all her citizens.
In terms of personalities - I don't care about the personalities, I want leadership that's in favor of my principles: free markets, adherence to the Constitution, and equal treatment for everyone under the law.
— Dave Brat
When we see a lack of leadership coming from the White House, that's what brings leaders in Turkey to attack Israel the way they do. When we see a lack of leadership coming from the White House, that's why we see the leader of Iran... continuing to build the nuclear reactors.
— Danny Danon
The President's speech suggested to me that were we to follow his leadership, we will be in Iraq not for months, but for years. I also hope I am wrong on this.
— Daniel Inouye
As a former minority leader who became the first Republican Speaker of the House in Florida since Reconstruction, I know that leadership is not an easy task.
— Dan Webster
I made a commitment... both to myself and to some supporters to carefully consider a run for the Liberal leadership for the Liberal Party of Canada.
— Dalton McGuinty
Leadership that exploits and sacrifices young people on the altar of its goals is nothing more than raw, demonic power. Genuine leadership is found in ceaseless efforts to foster young people, to pave the way forward for them.
— Daisaku Ikeda
The very exercise of leadership fosters capacity for it.
— Cyril Falls
I think America has more than enough maturity and intelligence to start exercising its world leadership responsibly.
— Cristina Kirchner
If I fail to remove Marcos and vindicate the people's verdict by peaceful, nonviolent action, my methods will be discredited. And if anger persists, I will be marginalized, and others will take over leadership of the movement.
— Corazon Aquino
I talked about the need for American leadership, I talked about the importance of the United States to a more peaceful world, a world that has been quite turbulent in recent years, and needs a strong American anchor.
— Condoleezza Rice
Al Qaeda is not the organization now that it was before. It is under stress organizationally. Its leadership spends more time trying to figure out how to keep from getting caught than they do trying to launch operations.
— Cofer Black
When it comes to creativity and to leadership, we need introverts doing what they do best.
— Christine Tsai
To me, leadership is about encouraging people. It's about stimulating them. It's about enabling them to achieve what they can achieve - and to do that with a purpose.
— Christine Lagarde
The nation's chronic weakness is its political system, which is nearing dysfunction. If the U.S. can elect better political leadership, it should be able to manage problems better than most competitors.
— David Ignatius
People don’t like what’s happened to the big parties. They think they’ve been dragged off to the extremes. They think the quality of leadership is below what a country like the United Kingdom ought to have available. And they want something different.
— David Gauke
There definitely comes a time where a fresh pair of eyes and fresh leadership would be good, and the Conservative Party has got some great people coming up - the Theresa Mays, and the George Osbornes, and the Boris Johnsons.
Yes, America must do the right thing, but to provide moral leadership, America must do it in the right way, too.
One of the early lessons that I learned in leadership is that it's the leader's job to always go against the flow.
— Dara Khosrowshahi
I've always believed that the fundamental, driving strategic ethos of the Republican House leadership has been, 'What do we do to get through the next caucus or conference without getting yelled at?' We should never assume they have a long game.
— Daniel Pfeiffer
It is better to have a lion at the head of an army of sheep, than a sheep at the head of an army of lions.
— Daniel Defoe
In many ways, leadership is about defining reality and inspiring hope, but if you have these great people around you and they know that what they do is going to be recognized, it can be incredibly powerful.
— Dan Schulman
Sport fosters many things that are good; teamwork and leadership.
— Daley Thompson
Where there is an absence of international political leadership, civil society should step in to fill the gap, providing the energy and vision needed to move the world in a new and better direction.
Leadership is particularly necessary to ensure ready acceptance of the unfamiliar and that which is contrary to tradition.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership has the potential to reshape America's relationship with the nations of the Pacific Rim, enhance U.S. leadership in this critically important region, and provide a major boost to our economy.
— Cory Gardner
Vocational education programs have made a real difference in the lives of countless young people nationwide; they build self-confidence and leadership skills by allowing students to utilize their unique gifts and talents.
— Conrad Burns
We needed to go back on the offense and offer clear leadership on Iraq.
There are three secrets to managing. The first secret is have patience. The second is be patient. And the third most important secret is patience.
— Chuck Tanner
By withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, the U.S. cedes power and influence to our rivals. If we retreat on our promises and cede leadership on climate issues, we lose credibility. Further, we lose the ability to hold other countries accountable for a broader range of issues.
— Christine Todd Whitman
Outside of my family, I was always inspired by true heroic stories of leadership and survival. For example, the story of the Shackleton expedition, when their ship became lodged in the Antarctic ice pack while exploring.
— Christina Koch
Enter the candidates on horseback: While military leaders can sometimes be dangerous in politics, our best generals and admirals embody the democratic values and leadership skills for which the country is yearning.
The chaos of two cultures merging is the best time to forge a new identity to unify people, because everyone is looking for answers and everybody's looking for leadership. That's when there's an opportunity to say, 'OK, this is what we stand for.' People aren't set in their ways because everything is up for grabs.
— David Droga
I think the country requires fresh leadership. I do not think I can be the captain to take the country to its next destination.
We who reject Trump's bankrupt leadership must heal old wounds, reorient ourselves, and embrace common goals. And if there is one thing on which we can all agree, it's this: we cannot concede any ground.
— David Brock
Constant, gentle pressure is my preferred technique for leadership, guidance, and coaching.
— Danny Meyer
Our world desperately needs real leadership.
— Daniel Lubetzky
I was raised to believe that America was a force for good in the world and that it should take its leadership role seriously.
— Dana Perino
Of course I have said, till I am blue in the face - people don't lack goals, passion, grit, or drive - they lack leadership!
— Dan Pena
If I come in, and you're an employer, and I say, 'Well, I was a sniper in the Marine Corps. Do you have any sniper positions open?' 'No.' But if I told you that I was good at communication, good at leadership under stressful environments, team management, personnel management, leadership, being prompt, are stuff that I can bring to the table.
— Dakota Meyer
There are times when leadership needs to take a bold move forward. And there are times when the leadership needs to act on the basis of what the grass roots say. You need to have your political thermometer constantly in the political waters to know when to give leadership in what way.
— Cyril Ramaphosa
One mistake is that managers practice position-ship rather than leadership. They focus on constituency, the people they need the most and depend on, only caring about how they are viewed by the leaders above them, thereby following position-ship.
— Curt Coffman
Our country needs a new generation of leadership, and I believe that Marco Rubio presents this nation with the greatest possibilities and opportunities to meet the challenges of the next generation.
The cautious seldom err.
— Confucius
Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.
— Colin Powell
Alliances and international organizations should be understood as opportunities for leadership and a means to expand our influence, not as constraints on our power.
— Chuck Hagel
Sitting at a candidate rally is similar to sitting in a ballyard. Both give you the opportunity to assess the technical metrics and reflect on the intangibles - what baseball calls 'make up' and politics calls 'character' - the leadership, talent and maturity to add value to a venture.
— Christine Pelosi