The idea of what's acceptable and what's shocking, that's where I investigate. I mean, you can't be on 'Top Gear,' where your only argument is that it's all just a joke and anyone who takes offence is an example of political correctness gone mad, and then not accept the counterbalance to that.
— Stewart Lee
I was 100 percent political in the '80s - the first time around, let's call it, my first life as an artist.
— Steven Van Zandt
I think students should know something about religion as a historical phenomenon, in the same way that they should know something about socialism and humanism and the other great ideas that have shaped political philosophies and therefore the course of human events.
— Steven Pinker
By exploring the political and moral colorings of discoveries about what makes us tick, we can have a more honest science and a less fearful intellectual milieu.
The connections I draw between human nature and political systems in my new book, for example, were prefigured in the debates during the Enlightenment and during the framing of the American Constitution.
One of my goals in life is to watch political correctness shrivel up and die (as it should be for any true conservative).
— Steven Crowder
When you hear a politician say 'fair share,' you are talking about hypocritical political propaganda. You are not talking about an intelligent discussion of who is paying what and who isn't paying taxes.
— Steve Wynn
We have 57 choices of ketchup and 500 TV channels. Very nearly everything has been disrupted in the country, from how we buy groceries to how we consume news, except for the system that produces the political leadership of the country.
— Steve Schmidt
What destroyed the Republican Party isn't Trump. It's the obedience to Trump from servile leaders like McConnell and Ryan who could have put a check on him. They have gotten their place in political history. They'll be remembered as vile.
I've noticed that some Democrats, who seldom mention their faith or maybe never mention their faith, will seize on to a phrase that Pope Francis may have said, and they want to attach themselves to that agenda. Political opportunists is what they are.
— Steve King
In America, economic, cultural and political power is dispersed. In the U.K., centralisation is a gift to the vested interests.
— Steve Hilton
Created by writer Beau Willimon, who's worked on several political campaigns, 'House of Cards' cannily exploits the current widespread cynicism for our politics, catering to a public scorn that's warranted and also glib in the sort of cheap pox-on-both-houses way that means not having to pay attention.
— Steve Erickson
So my degree was in political science, which I think was - the closest I could come to marketing is politics.
— Steve Case
You want to be somewhat cautious inasmuch as you can't use the state email for political or campaign business.
— Steve Bullock
There is a growing global anti-establishment revolt against the permanent political class at home and the global elites that influence them, which impacts everyone from Lubbock, Texas, to London, England.
— Steve Bannon
I don't set out to write a political song. I am not one of those that feels compelled to write about what's going on.
— Stephen Stills
One of the things that we're missing from our political dialogue right now is the idea that the United States is a home. It is more than an accounting sheet. It is more than the sum of its G.D.P., its total tax collections, or its total outlays. America is a family.
— Stephen Miller
The one thing I do believe is, if you make the songs about the human aspects of things, you've got a much better chance of having the music transcend the times. If you make them very political and very topical, it's going to date very quickly.
— Steven Wilson
First of all, just because the Tea Party people appear to be generally uneducated, ignorant about the political process, ignorant about economics, confused about their own platform from the beginning, and indelicate when it comes to the craft of diplomacy, doesn't mean they're wrong.
In the 1970s, many intellectuals had become political radicals. Marxism was correct, liberalism was for wimps, and Marx had pronounced that 'the ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.'
Why are empirical questions about how the mind works so weighted down with political and moral and emotional baggage?
Twitter provides a platform that allows anyone on the planet - from a political activist in the Middle East to an intemperate golfer in the White House - to broadcast his or her thoughts.
— Steven Levy
The Western world needs to ally themselves against the evil that is political Islam. To unite with its practitioners would be to unite with evil. Anyone who sees that as a virtue is simply enabling evil and, by proxy, is evil themselves.
I believe in Las Vegas. I think its best days are ahead of it. But I'm afraid to do anything in the current political environment in the United States.
The country badly needs to have a right-of-center political party, grounded in traditional values that the Republican Party represented till it didn't.
In some states, the population is pretty low and if 5,000 kids vote, they could completely change the political atmosphere.
— Steve Miller
You see it with Brexit, you see it in Donald Trump's election, you see it with the fact that neither of the main parties ended up in the final round of the French presidential election, you see it with the Italian referendum being defeated, you see it in a lot of ways - the political revolution.
To be perfectly honest, it isn't fair that people have used my personality, and the sacrifices I make because I want to, as an indication that I want to be in a political office.
— Steve Garvey
Making art in America is sort of a political statement in and of itself. It's not the best environment for that sometimes.
— Steve Earle
When you have a political environment that is being so heavily influenced by the Tea Party that calls for shrinking the size of government, you can't ignore it. There are political realities.
— Steve Capus
It's hard to make a clear line between what is political business and what is state business.
We think of ourselves as virulently anti-establishment, particularly 'anti-' the permanent political class.
What I like about Bain Capital is that we have Republicans, we have Democrats, we have independents; we are a diverse firm in terms of political views. But what we do is we sit down and we try to solve the problems.
— Stephen Pagliuca
The current nation-state model is the product of thousands of years of political, social, and cultural evolution. I mean, it was only recently - in, like, the last few decades - that people have tried to create an organizing principle larger than the nation-state.
No matter what your political persuasion, you can find a guide that makes it quick, easy and painless to exercise your right to vote. Wanna know what a certain proposition put forth by a cadre of undisclosed billionaires which cuts funding for public education, arts and infrastructure means? Use the voting guide!
— Steven Weber
The weak economy, widening income inequality, gridlock in Congress and a presidential election: Those were perhaps the dominant economic and political themes of 2012.
— Steven Rattner
As many political writers have pointed out, commitment to political equality is not an empirical claim that people are clones.
People today sometimes get uncomfortable with empirical claims that seem to clash with their political assumptions, often because they haven't given much thought to the connections.
To political technocrats, 2008 marks the maturation of 'microtargeting' - a technique that, if things are as close in November as expected, may well affect who takes the White House.
I am so focused on the fact that the conversation doesn't address any of the things I think are important. I think our political dialogue in America is distorted and completely off track.
I think that more and more Americans are insistent that, at a minimum, gay couples should be treated with respect and when they see a political party trying to stigmatize a group of people who are hardworking, who play by the rules, who raise decent families, they're troubled by it.
My fidelity is to my country, not my political party. Country first.
Great American leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. worshipped God just as our Founding Fathers did. We must never forget this important aspect of our heritage or use it as a political bargaining chip.
What's not OK is using government policy and taxpayer dollars to push for an investigation if the motivation is purely political.
If Marxist theory dictates that the personal is always political, the rebuttal of both 'The Americans' and 'House of Cards' is that the political is always personal: the sum total of our collective needs and desires, vows and betrayals.
I don't think I'm a political songwriter as much as I am just a political person. I think it's in my fabric.
I think Donald Trump tapped into something where folks didn't think the economy and the political system was working for them.
There are folks out there, especially during the political season, that'll try to twist and turn economic statistics for their own personal benefit, to pick and choose talking points in order to tear Montana's progress down.
Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.
No one understands the dysfunctions and debilitating impact of America's political system in the swamp better than Mark Melcher and Steve Soukup.
— Stephen Moore