It's called political economy because it is has nothing to do with either politics or economy.
— Stephen Leacock
Afghanistan's borders are arbitrary, drawn to meet 19th-century political needs rather than to respect ethnic or religious patterns.
— Stephen Kinzer
More than half of Guatemalans are pureblooded Indians, descendants of the proud Maya-Quiche tribes. In their mist-shrouded villages, the Indians worship the corn god and the rain god, only vaguely concerned with the political entity known as Guatemala.
The present assault upon capital is but the beginning. It will be but a stepping-stone to others, larger and more sweeping, till our political contests will become a war of the poor against the rich.
— Stephen J. Field
When I got to 'The Daily Show,' they asked me to have a political opinion. It turned out that I had one, but I didn't realize quite how liberal I was until I was asked to make passionate comedic choices as opposed to necessarily successful comedic choices.
— Stephen Colbert
Judges are appointed often through the political process.
— Stephen Breyer
I don't control the political world.
— Stephen A. Schwarzman
Liberal politicians, in celebrating the benefits of modernization, free trade, diverse families, and the rise of more women and minorities into political and economic prominence, have often glossed over the pain of white blue-collar communities.
— Stephanie Coontz
I identify very proudly as a disabled woman. I identify with the crip community. I didn't invent the word 'crip'. It's a political ideology I came to in my late teens and early 20s.
— Stella Young
Political campaigns offer Americans an opportunity to adjust direction, reaffirm values, and recommit to the covenant that binds them together.
— Stanley A. McChrystal
From every ancient source, we have testimony to Cleopatra's irresistible charm, as Plutarch has it, to her ability to speak many languages including, as he puts it, the language of flattery and essentially, to be able to turn people to her will - really a great political genius, in that respect.
— Stacy Schiff
One of the traditional rites of passage for political candidates is the revelation of financial status - a catechism-like recital of money mistakes made and debts owed.
— Stacey Abrams
Martyrdom of followers is a strategy of political leaders to grab money and power.
— Sreenivasan
Once Justin decided to go on the political scene, all the spotlights were on him. I think we've done pretty well finding a balance and a centre. It's a very scrutinized life.
— Sophie Gregoire Trudeau
When you have strong views about how to approach thinking about the law, then that view is going to lead to certain results in certain situations. And so people seem to think this predictability is based on some kind of partisan political view. But it's not.
— Sonia Sotomayor
There are actually no political aspirations. I think you need to have the right attitude and aptitude for it. I don't think I have the right aptitude for it. I think it is unfair to push somebody in that direction just because my father happens to be a politician.
— Sonakshi Sinha
The unfortunate part of being an actor-politician is that people feel an actor will not take her political commitments seriously.
— Smriti Irani
Castro has lived almost his entire life as a clandestine revolutionary. To such figures, truth is always malleable, always subservient to political goals.
Turkey is immersed in a profound social and political conflict between secularists, who have been in power since the republic was founded, and an insurgent Islamic-based movement that seeks to increase the role of religion in public life.
In fairness, Latin America's elected civilian leaders have made progress in some areas. They have brought their countries back to international respectability, curbed flagrant human rights violations, and sought to build democratic political institutions.
In every generation, politicians let us down, but music can lift us above the fighting and the mistakes. It does not offer answers to specific political questions. Instead, it looks beyond them.
— Stephen Hough
Nobody wants a judge to be subject to the political whim of the moment.
If you were born in Britain after World War II, you see a continuous atmosphere of decline, moral and economic and political.
— Stephen Bayley
International Women's Day means many things to many people. Officially, it is 'a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.' These are important points that deserve to be called out - so we all remember their significance.
— Stephanie Ruhle
Feminism needs a political program because gender inequality has been fostered by political decisions.
Any idea can be brought into the classroom if the point is to inquire into its structure, history, influence and so forth. But no idea belongs in the classroom if the point of introducing it is to recruit your students for the political agenda it may be thought to imply.
— Stanley Fish
Everybody tries to take a tragedy and turn it to their own political purposes, and it's both sides.
— Stan Van Gundy
The natural evolution of a well-educated populus is integration. And this is not political; it's not theoretical; it's not even partisan.
— Stacey Dash
I think the implications for the rise of China are huge in terms of the political landscape, economic balance, de-velopment thinking, and the environment.
— Sri Mulyani Indrawati
I have my own political views and ideologies, but will not enter politics for sure.
Tony Blair is an extremely popular figure in North America. His memoir is refreshing, both for its candour and vivid portrayal of political life.
— Sonny Mehta
What pushes me forward is everything I have learned: political, social, cultural. I put all that into the clothes.
— Sonia Rykiel
All of the significant art of today stems from Conceptual art. This includes the art of installation, political, feminist and socially directed art.
— Sol LeWitt
Baby Got Back' was already a reflection of what was going on. I didn't see it as this gigantic political statement.
— Sir Mix-a-Lot
Human Rights Watch wants Rwandans to be able to speak freely about their ethnic hatreds, and to allow political parties connected with the defeated genocide army to campaign freely for power.
One of the most perplexing political questions of the late 20th century is how new democracies should punish deposed dictators and their associates. Victims cry for justice, but leaders of new regimes must decide to what extent it is possible, moral or prudent to pursue evildoers of the past.
When people learn no tools of judgment and merely follow their hopes, the seeds of political manipulation are sown.
— Stephen Jay Gould
Our constituents deserve better than narrow-minded political games.
— Stephen Fincher
At least there's a political input, but when you put on the robe, at that point the politics is over.
I can't stand people who look into the camera and look into the eyes of millions of people and wax political correctness.
— Stephen A. Smith
My grandmother had great influence on me. She was secretary of state in the 1970's, and that's when I was born. She showed me the importance of public service, and she was admired by people regardless of their political party.
— Stephanie Herseth
Heterosexuals were the upstarts who turned marriage into a voluntary love relationship rather than a mandatory economic and political institution.
Many people on the political left found my work psychologically liberating. They began to say: once you realize that standards emerge historically, then you can see through and discard all the norms to which we have been falsely enslaved.
A lot of television stuff is mean-spirited, and I think that's how political advertising got so mean-spirited, to where people are throwing things at the television set every time we have an election.
— Stan Freberg
When marginalized groups finally gained access to the ballot, it took time for them to organize around opposition to the specific forms of discrimination and mistreatment that continued to plague them - and longer still for political parties and candidates to respond to such activism.
It is rarely the quick fix that goes the farthest. So don't get tempted by political cycles and the lure of electoral wins.
The barriers for women across the world are different, depending on which kind of political system you live under.
The worst thing you want is a willy-nilly judge who is swayed by the political whims of the era or the time. What you want is a judge who is thinking about what he or she is doing and is thinking about it in a principled way.
I am very political in my mind, thoughts, and understanding.
— Soni Razdan
We are a family that likes to keep things abreast about what's happening in the country so dinner table conversations revolve around Social, political, films... a bit of everything. Films we talk about the least in fact.
— Soha Ali Khan